Most of our shoe-shopping experiences are essentially the same. We walk in, Lindsey disappears, assistants ask me if I need help, quickly realize I'm a lost cause, I make my way to the guys' section, pick out a pair I could maybe see myself wearing but not really, Lindsey sees me and tells me 'don't even think about it' -- which is fine because I wouldn't have anyway -- and I take a seat to watch her do her thing.
And believe it or not, this makes me happy -- because I look at her face, and she's just beaming. Nothing on our beautiful earth brings her more joy than shoes. She floats from aisle to aisle, boot to boot, holding up pair after pair that look exactly the same, chooses one, and then asks my opinion. "They look great, babe," I say, because there's no reason not to. She's gonna get 'em anyway.
Another reason shoe-shopping doesn't bother me (even though I know I always complain about it)? I totally get it. I know what it's like.

And then I immediately sprinted -- possibly faster than Brown did -- up to my parents' room.
"Mom," I said, panting.
"I gotta have those shoes."